Journal of Social Ontology

ISSN: 2196-9663

First published: December 20, 2014

Editor-in-chief: Hans Bernhard Schmid

Edited by: Niels de Haan, Hilkje Hänel, Alessandro Salice, Glenda Satne, David P. Schweikard, Emma Tieffenbach, Gerhard Thonhauser, Leo Townsend, Vanessa Wills

Book review editor: Miguel Garcia

Managing Editor: Leah Ritterfeld



The Journal of Social Ontology (JSO) is an interdisciplinary journal devoted to social ontology and collective intentionality. JSO features scholarly work pertaining to the basic structures of the social world from a variety of disciplinary perspectives including moral, social and political philosophy, anthropology, cognitive science, economics, history, law, political science, and psychology. The topics that JSO covers range from small-scale everyday interactions to encompassing societal institutions, from expert teams to hierarchical organizations, and from unintended consequences to institutional design. The journal provides a forum for exchanges between scholars of diverse disciplinary and methodological backgrounds. In addition to major articles, JSO publishes review essays, discussion articles, and book reviews.


  • Social ontology and collective intentionality
  • Basic structures of the social world
  • Interdisciplinary perspective including moral, social and political philosophy, sociology, anthropology, cognitive science, human sciences, economics, history, law, political science, and psychology

Journal of Social Ontology Peer Review Policy

  • The Journal of Social Ontology practices double-anonymous peer review. This means that the identity of the author will remain unknown to the referees and the referees will remain anonymous to the author. All submissions receive an initial editorial review (i.e. desk review). Submissions that are rejected at this stage will not be accompanied by a report. Submissions that are not rejected at this stage will be send to at least two independent referees that are experts in the relevant subfield(s) selected by the Editors.
  • The Journal of Social Ontology is committed to maintaining the highest standards of scholarly rigor and requires two (2) positive reviews by independent reviewers as well as the Editorial Board’s approval for any decision to publish. Reviewers must be in no relevant relationship to the author, i.e. they cannot be affiliated with the same institutions or function(ed) as a supervisor. It is sometimes not possible to provide two reports for all manuscripts and the editorial staff will occasionally provide a decision with one report—though generally all submissions not rejected in the initial review will be returned along with two (2) reports.
  • The Journal of Social Ontology does not accept simultaneous submissions—discovery that a manuscript is under consideration for publication at another journal will result in immediate rejection of the manuscript.



Journal of Social Ontology was founded 2015. It is supported by the International Social Ontology Society.

Other publications in the field

SATS. Northern European Journal of Philosophy
Moral Philosophy and Politics
Kairos. Journal of Philosophy and Science
Zeitschrift für kritische Sozialtheorie und Philosophie


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