Beyond the Binary: Workshop on Genderqueer Identities and Social Constructionism
An ISOS-funded workshop
May 20th and 21st, 2022.
A3, Päätalo (Main Building) Tampere University, Finland & online on Zoom.
People who identify as genderqueer (e.g., non-binary, agender or gender fluid) essentially reject the idea that one has to choose between being a man or a woman. Instead, they take themselves to be either genderless or somewhere on a spectrum. Genderqueer identities appear to contradict traditional biological notions of gender. However, they also seem to be in tension with views according to which gender identity is socially constructed. This workshop discusses the ontology of genderqueer identities further, especially in light of the idea that gender is socially constructed.
Keynote speakers:
Robin Dembroff (Yale University)
Esa Díaz-León (Universitat de Barcelona)
Date & Venue:
May 20th and 21st, 2022. A3, Päätalo (Main Building) Tampere University, Finland & online on Zoom.
Attendance is free of charge and everyone is welcome. Please send a message at if you want to join through Zoom.
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Siiri Porkkala (Tampere University)
Guido (Robin) Löhr (Eindhoven University of Technology)
Kaisa Kärki (University of Helsinki)
May 20th, 2022
9:00 Introduction
9:30 Matthew Cull (University of Sheffield): What is Materialism? Transgender Liberation and Marxist Metaphysics (Online)
Commentary: Kevin Behrens (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg)
10:30 Maren Behrensen (Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster): Resistance, Institutionalized: The Legal Construction of Non-Binary Identities
Commentary: Saray Ayala-López (California State University) (Online)
11:30 Siiri Porkkala (Tampere University): TBD
Commentary: Esa Díaz-León (University of Barcelona)
12:30 lunch
14:00 Khang Tôn (UC Davis): Genderqueer as a Political Identity (Online)
Commentary: Jaana Virta (Tampere University)
15:00 Keynote: Robin Dembroff (Yale University)
17:00 Kevin Behrens (University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg): An Ubuntu-based account of
the moral obligation to affirm those who identify as genderqueer.
Commentary: Kaisa Kärki (University of Helsinki)
19:00 Dinner
May 21, 2022
9:00 Keynote: Esa Díaz-León (University of Barcelona, LOGOS): Genderqueer identities as social
10:30 Rowan Bell: (Syracuse University): Inside and Out: Traits and Gender Norm
Assignment (Online)
Commentary: Guido (Robin) Löhr (Eindhoven University of Technology)
11:30 Jasper Heaton (University of British Columbia): Self Identity, Social Construction & Community
Validation (Online)
Commentary: Siiri Porkkala (Tampere University)
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Kaisa Kärki (University of Helsinki): Attending to gender
Commentary: Robin Dembroff (Yale University)