Jaime Castillo-Gamboa and Gian Franco Sandoval What is Social Construction?
Zeynep Çelik and Zacharus Gudmunsen Social Ontology Faces the Future: Artificial and collective agents
Peter Finocchiaro and Gina Lebkuecher Social Ontology in Wuhan: A Summer School
Mattias Gunnemyr, Jan Willem Wieland, and Rutger van Oeveren Ethics of Inefficacy
Frank Hindriks, Boudewijn de Bruin, Fabian Corver, Michael Eigner, Maddalena Fazzo Cusan, Miguel Flament, and Andi Stefanowska The Sustainable Corporation: How to Secure Value in a Competitive World
Daniel James, Leda Berio, Robin Celikates, Steffen Koch, and Urs Lindner The social metaphysics of racialisation
Bhaskarjit Neog Complicity and Collective Responsibility
Javier Ruiz del Río and Anna Bloom Christen Social Ontology as the Meeting Ground: The Dialogue between Philosophy and Anthropology
Giulia Schirripa Metaphysical Indeterminacy
"International Social Ontology Society" is registered as a non-profit organization in Austria.