Secil Araci, Zeynep Cilek, David Killoren, and Bill Wringe,
Social Ontology Faces the Future
Gunnar Björnsson, Olle Blomberg, and Niels de Haan,
New Avenues for Collective Ethics
Åsa Burman, Andres Hurtado, László Kőszeghy, and Cyrill Miksch,
Social Ontology of Power: Contemporary Perspectives
Anna Bloom Christen,
Joint Attention in South Africa Higher Education
Jaime Castillo-Gamboa, Pyro Suárez, and Gianfranco Sandoval,
Social Ontology in Lima
Lucia Neco and Rob Wilson,
Australasian Philosophy of Anthropology
Virginia Presi and Alba Lojo,
Contemporary Views on Social Ontology and Philosophy of Law